Monday, May 14, 2012

My Big Announcement!!!

Why is it that the only announcement a married woman can make is that she's pregnant?  Don't tell me that wasn't the first thing that popped into your head. . . In fact when annoucing this to my class I said, "I have something I need to tell you guys, I wanted you to hear it from me first, unfortunately. . ." and before I could finish a student shouted "You're--" and then stopped.  But we all knew what word was hanging in the air.  Pregnant.  Yes, I always announce happy things starting with the word "unfortunately".  No, I'm not pregnant.

I quit my job!!!!!

Now, this is sad for my students ("unfortunately") and a little sad for me, but mostly happy for me and very happy for Olivia.  It was a hard decision to make, but I know its for the best.  Now comes the "unfortunately" for me. . .

Unfortunately, I will not be a stay at home mom just yet.  I'm going to be a nanny which will allow me to bring in a little money while still spending my days with Olivia.  And unfortunately I will not have the time to start my dream job as an interior designer yet either.  But one year is such a short time and soon I'll be in my own house, with my own kids, decorating rooms for all of you!!

For such a happy post, I sure did use the word "unfortunately" a lot.  But once I got started, I just kinda went with it. 

Not quite this, but close!


  1. Good for you!!! I just started working less hours and am LOVING it.

  2. Pregnant was the first thing to pop into my head. . . sorry! But that's awesome, congrats! Uh, I think that's the appropriate response, right?

    1. I'll take a congrats! I'm totally excited!!! (don't get me wrong, I'll miss my students. . . in case they read this somehow!)

  3. Yay!!! So excited! You know how I feel about being home with your babies and even though you won't really be "home", you'll be with that little girl and that's what's important!! So happy for you all!!

    1. Thanks Mom!!! Thanks for supporting me in whatever I do!

  4. I am so happy for you Kim! I know you will love being there with Olivia and she will love having you there!


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