Wednesday, October 17, 2012

10 Years of Barbie

What are you going to be for Halloween?  I'm surprised people still ask me this.  Maybe its mostly the kids I nanny, I'm too tired to put a face to the question.  In any case, the answer is the same every year: Barbie.  Some kind of Barbie.  The awesome thing about it is that its pretty much the easiest costume ever, if you're blonde.  I wont pretend my body type fits Barbie's, but with a little bit of hot pink lipstick and blue eyeshadow, I think I can pull it off.  I wish I had pictures for you for all the years, but its hard to track down tangible photos from the time before digital cameras were common.  (Some years I guess I didn't dress up, or else I can't remember)

2001: Doctor Barbie

2003: Skier Barbie

2004: Bedtime Barbie

2005: Rich Widow Barbie

2007: Army Barbie

2009: Shopper Barbie (looked pretty much the same as Pregnant Barbie, except I didn't have a baby bump. . .)

2010: Pregnant Barbie

2011: Mom Barbie (original, I know)

So the big question: What kind of Barbie can I be while I'm pregnant, with out being Pregnant Barbie again?  This may be one of life's questions with out a good answer. 

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