Thursday, January 31, 2013

Five Facts

Bonnie did a cute post today and I figured I could spare ten minutes to write a quick post with five facts about me you didn't know.  I laid Baby Axel (that is his proper name in this house) on the couch next to me and so lets get this show on the road! 

The hardest part about writing this post was finding a picture that was "sexy" enough.  I went for brooding instead.
1. I have not walked out the front door of my apartment since Friday.  Newborn baby + toddler + snow = us not going anywhere.

2. My biggest fear in life is people dressed in gorilla suits.  I hate all masks, but gorilla masks top the list.

3. I use peroxide to make my hair blonder.  Basically its like that Sheer Blonde crap, but I pay 97 cents a bottle instead of 10 dollars.  It brightens it up just enough.

4. I swam into the the wall of the swimming pool in the third grade.  I lost one of my front teeth and half of the other one.  They are fake now.

5. I hate clocks that tick.  (As I sit and listen to the ticking of my living room clock.  This is what music is for. . .)


  1. Congrats on the newest member to the family!

  2. One of MY biggest fears is losing teeth, so your swimming story had me wincing. Ugh, teeth . . .

    1. I'm not too afraid of it actually happening, but I do have reoccurring nightmares about losing my fake teeth and even some of my real ones.

  3. Ha I didn't know you swam into the pool wall - how awful! I remember after Porter I stayed indoors for a whole week! Kinda crazy. Peroxide huh? How exactly do you do it? I'm tempted to do that too!

    1. Hopefully we'll get out of the house today, but I do have my mom still. I'm gonna need tips on shopping with a toddler AND a newborn. How about I do a whole post on peroxide? It really wouldn't be that long, but then people could pin it. . . :)

  4. Hahaha my freshman year at college I was walking to class and a person in a gorilla suit walked up to me, grunted, and handed me a banana. It was a nice breakfast but totally random?

    1. Oh my gosh! I would have screamed and ran away. But yeah, totally random! Hahaha!

  5. I think it's hard to get out with a newborn, snow or no snow. Congratulations on your growing family!

    1. Thank you! And yes, newborns make getting out of the house seem almost impossible!


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