Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Two Babies

Olivia is adjusting really well to being a big sister.  She hugs Baby Axel, kisses Baby Axel, asks to hold Baby Axel and she has a hard time leaving him alone when he's napping on the couch (my bedroom, where Axel sleeps, is always really cold!  The venting in the apartment is a little goofy).

But not everything is perfect.  She loves Axel, but she's not so sure about sharing her parents.  Luckily she gets Dad's undivided attention most of the time he's around.  I can give her all my attention when Axel is sleeping, but that is quickly forgotten when he's awake and needs to be fed.  And he's a little fussy boy, so I end up holding him almost anytime he's awake.

That's how Olivia invented her new game: Two Babies.  I must have said that phrase at some point, and now she loves it.  When I'm holding Axel, Olivia will come up to me and ask "Do two babies?"  So I'll lift her up on my right leg (I always hold babies with my left arm.  Do you have a baby holding side?) and then she'll say "Rock 'em"  Which means rock back and forth and sing Rock-a-by Baby.

Its probably one of my favorite things.

Olivia kept smiling at me, instead of turning around and smiling at Dad.  This was the best we could get from her!
Linking up with Shannon @ The Scribble Pad's #littledays


  1. Cute! I often would read stories to the older kids when I needed to hold a baby. Same concept: Mom holding the baby=payoff for big kids, too!

    1. I read books to Olivia while I'm nursing Axel all the time!

  2. I totally hold babies with my left arm too - weird, cause I'm right handed? Oh and the title of this post brought back WAY too many memories....TWO babies :) You look great Kim! Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks! I thought I was lookin' good when I got home from the hospital, but I guess by now I'm ready to be back to normal. Time to start cutting out the chocolate.

  3. Haha, I love Axel's expression and hand placement. I keep imagining him saying, "I'm the ORIGINAL gangsta, yo!"

    1. Now that's all I see when I look at it! Ha!!

    2. Julia, that cracked me up! I hadn't noticed either!! Ha ha!!

  4. Oh my gosh i cannot WAIT to play two babies with my new little (and my not as new little). How cute!!
    How old is Olivia? They are so precious together....

    1. Thanks!! And congrats on the soon to be new addition! Olivia was 22 months when Axel was born. She'll be 2 March 28th.

  5. This is the cutest thing I have ever read. "Two babies!" How sweet that Olivia is finding a way to feel like her and Axel can be apart of this adventure together.


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