Wednesday, January 14, 2015

What would you do with . . . basic black leggings??

Today is the second Wednesday of the month so Aubrey and I have our link up for what would you do!
There's one thing I love about winter and it's MINI SKIRTS!!!!  Huh??  Well since I'm LDS and I've been through the temple, I can't wear clothing above my knee, shorts or skirts.  But in the winter, I can layer to stay warm, and that means mini skirts over leggings!  And I love it.

But I did not take a picture of that for today.  Ha!  I faced my fears and wore leggings as pants.  Although it helped that these are actually yoga pants.  I like how yoga pants are thicker and have a wider waist band than most leggings I have encountered.

So this isn't super innovative fashion, but it's what I would do, not what I'm telling you to do ;) 

Link up your fashion posts with leggings!  And join us next month for What Would You Do on a date night!!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Word

So I've done my resolutions in a couple different ways the past few years.  In 2013 I did a goal each month.  I actually worked on all of them, accomplished most of them!  In 2014 I wrote a goal for each quarter and I did NONE of them.  Eek! 

This year I want to pick a word to focus on all year, but work on a different aspect of it each month.  I hope this will work better than last year!! 

So I gave it very little thought (because it just sort of popped into my mind) and I came up with. . .

This year I want to grow my business, grow my family and grow my spirituality.  I'm starting with the last one in January by reading the Book of Mormon in one month.  At least that's the plan.  18 pages a day is no joke!! 

Anyway, Happy New Year!!!!  I'll try and stop by this place as often as I can, but in order for somethings to grow, other things have to shrink.