Monday, June 24, 2013

Let's go for a walk

Axel on a walk.
Since it's Work Out Everyday in June going on over here, I've been going on lots of long walks with my kids.  It's the perfect way to get some activity into my life with out having to wait for Adam to get home or find a babysitter.  In the beginning I would head out and then 10 minutes in I would be wishing for something I had forgotten.  So I wanted to share my "necessities" for talking long walks.

Half the time we're walking into the sun (the other half it's to our backs) and I get a lovely headache if I forget these!

Nothing worse than being out in the sun and having dry lips.  Adam makes fun of my dependence on chapstick, but when we travel to places that aren't so dry, I promise I use way less.  It's not my fault, it's Utah's fault!!!  These are my favorite for walks.  I don't need color, just a little moisture and spf.

I got this for my birthday last year and I don't use it as much as I want.  It's hard to put something in my ears when I rely on them so much to do my job.  Is a baby crying?  Is Olivia asking for something?  Or worse, is Olivia being too quiet?  So it's great to listen to some tunes while we walk.  I only put in one ear (sorry Beatles songs, I have to skip you) so I can hear Olivia point out birds, trees and other fun things.  Having a little music makes me feel like I'm in a movie and helps the time pass faster.

Nothing makes the time drag like thirst!

Just for safety, it's always good to have my phone.  Also it's good to know how long we've been out on our walks.

For the kids
I also let my kids bring something that they want.  I've let Olivia bring a water before too, but I draw the line at toys for her.  She drops them too much and it slows us down.  Axel can have a teething ring and it's great because he's just learning how to manipulate objects.  Also a very light blanket, because Axel is a blankie boy and loves something to cuddle, even when it's 90 degree out!

The nice thing about kids is using their stroller to haul all of my own stuff!  Ha!  What do you like when you go out for a walk?


  1. Oh my gosssssssssh! He is the CUTEST! Yes to water and chapstick! WHY is Utah so dry?! Ugh.


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