Monday, August 18, 2014

The End of Summer: A free write

4th of July, just cruisin' looking for the ladies.
Look at this, a blog post on a Monday morning.  How very structured of me.  Maybe things will be like this again when Olivia is in preschool and I get my life back in order. 

I had to hurry and open blogger when I started thinking about this post, because blogging inspiration is hard to come by these days.  Actually, that's not true.  Blogging inspiration + time is hard to come by.  It always seems I have one or the other. 

Summer is nearly over.  There is just one week left.  Six days actually, if you don't count next Sunday.  I have a hard time with summer.  All these expectations.  We'll go to the water park once a week!  We'll walk to Matt and Stephanie's all the time!  Friends over, cook outs, swimming all the live long day!!  But what on earth is filling up my days, so that there is hardly room for this????  I honestly couldn't tell you.  We went to the water park twice.  Which I guess is still a savings, since I paid $25 for our season passes and it costs $25 for just one day.  So go twice and you pay for it. 

I just don't know how my life fell apart last week.  And that sounds incredibly dramatic and it doesn't need to.  But I had everything so under control.  Clutter was disappearing, laundry was getting done, bathrooms were getting scrubbed.  I thought I finally had this house thing down.  Vacations hit and I didn't recover well.  Not that I tried very hard, I read a trilogy in three days.  (The Selection, very fun if you're a Bachelor fan)  By the time I was done we had two days before our next trip, so I washed laundry like a fool and we were packed by Friday afternoon.  I have higher hopes for next time we return from vacation. 

I'm worried about fall, because I'm so hopeful, just like I am at the start of summer.  So much promise, so much time!  But all the things you keep meaning to do always get stuck in the last two weeks of August so you're trying to squeeze in time with too many friends before you move to college or fit in too many activities during your last week of vacation.  It always happens this way. 

Well my body says it's almost midnight on a Sunday.  My family will be shocked!  I go to bed at 9pm every night!  Well, that's what they think.  But I don't work anymore, family.  I go to bed at 11pm.  There.  I said it.  I feel like I betray myself every time I stay up past 9:30, but I sleep until 7, so I just can't go to bed as early as I used to. 

Anyway, I'm tired.  Happy Monday, go make the most of your summer!


  1. I know! We had sort of a rush week a couple of weeks ago where we tried to cram a bunch of things in that we had wanted to do this summer such as Six Flags, Grants Farm, etc. I was worn out by the end of the week!

    1. I bet! We we're going to squeeze the water park in one more time but I wasn't too sad when it rained that day :)

  2. Girl!!! You are an amazing momma and your kids have so much fun with you no matter what you're doing! It's SO fun to have goals and plans to fill a season, but it's totally okay if we don't accomplish all of it! The nice thing is that the kids don't have a clue right now. When they are older they will be more aware that you didn't hit up the water park weekly like you promised.... ha ha! So don't be too hard on yourself and just enjoy each season with your kids! It goes to quickly! Plus, you ARE doing an amazing job!


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