Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The best time to get sick

So I woke up last Tuesday with that feeling in my throat that told me "you're getting a cold".  So I Zicammed up and hoped for the best.

Wednesday I told Adam I didn't know how I would make it through the day with two kids feeling like I did.  Once I got going I was okay, but laying down and colds don't really mix well, do they?

Thursday I was getting pretty depressed.  My house was in shambles.  I had been so excited to move into my house and it wasn't at all like I imagined.  I was supposed to be decorating my Christmas tree, not painting during nap times and having no couch to sit on.  Plus, you know, I was sick.

Ug, I thought.  This is just not a good time to get sick!

Is there a good time to get sick?  Really.  Really?

I thought about it.  The week before would have been so much worse!  We were moving and packing and it would have been awful.  The week after would have put my cold so close to Thanksgiving that I would probably still be coughing a little.

Yeah, my life was still packed away, but at least we could snuggle in my bed and watch an iPad movie (once we got internet anyway) or we could hole up in Olivia's good sized room and kill a couple hours.

The more I thought about it I was super grateful that I managed to land my cold at the exact right time!  But from here on out, I'm taking Emergen-C like it's my job.

Tonight I'm going to see Trans Siberian Orchestra for my anniversary. I seriously love these guys. Since this post needs a picture, here's the one from last year.


  1. Wait!! It's your anniversary?? What a bad memory I have! Hope you had fun!!

  2. Oh wait, tomorrow is your anniversary!! Now I remember, ha ha!

  3. happy early anniversary!! i was feeling/ am feeling off yesterday/ today i don't want to spend my entire week off from work sick in bed so i'm hoping all the medicines are working hahaha hope you feel better

    1. Thanks! I'm feeling much better now, but I still cough all night long. Taking work off from teaching is seriously the worst! I hope it doesn't get worse for you.

  4. I'm glad you're feeling better!!! :)

    1. Thank you! I sound worse because I'm losing my voice, but I FEEL better :)


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